AOL rebrands

As part of AOL's spin off from Time Warner it is launching a new image in an effort to paint a dynamic picture of its future with hopes of capturing the attention of consumers and advertisers alike. The last few years have been very challenging for AOL with multiple management shake ups, poorly executed strategy and a constant decline of their cash-cow subscribers. (Full disclosure, I was an executive at AOL's Platform-A)

AOL reminds me of a print media company with two business models that are at odds with one another. There dial-up business is like the newspapers printing and distribution business dying on the vine with as the future. Fortunately, unlike their print counterparts, they have continued to invest in their future both organically and via acquisition.

If Tim has his way he will turn AOL into a content powerhouse delivering exactly the news and information consumers want around the globe via every channel (web, mobile, social, etc). This is an ambitious goal and one that many people don't understand. It seems that he is taking a page out of Arianna Huffington's book attempting to provide consumers advertiser supported content with a very efficient and cost effective organizational structure.

What I like about AOL's approach is that they recognize that they can't rely on their past success any longer. It is time for them to embrace the new future, deliver on their strategy and provide the Advertising 3.0 ecosystem that will catapult them ahead of MSN and Yahoo.

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